The Image of Playing Alchemist in Dota 2

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Image of Alchemist, a character from Dota 2 Video Game.

Knowing that you're here, I assume that you've ever played Dota 2, right? Well, like what I promise you before in my Abaddon, Dota 2 Hero Cover that I posted yesterday, here I've come up with another Dota 2 Hero's Cover for you. You know that there are some heroes that are more annoying than others, right? Some are annoying because they are hard to kill, some are annoying because they can kill you easily, and some are annoying because they can farm faster than anyone else. But there is one hero that is annoying for all these reasons and more of it, he is Alchemist. So, let's take a look about who he is.

A Short inside look about Alchemist.

Alchemist is a hero that can turn gold into more gold. He has a skill called Greevil's Greed that gives him bonus gold for every creep or hero he kills. He also has a skill called Chemical Rage that gives him insane health regeneration and attack speed. And he has an ultimate item called Aghanim's Scepter that lets him give his teammates free upgrades for their skills. Basically, he is a walking ATM that can also punch you in the face. Crazy, right? Well, not just that.

I assume you know who Alchemist is, and whether you've been experiencing playing this hero, or having this hero as your teammates or your enemy, one thing is clear. Alchemist, or most of the people who play Alchemist, are so damn arrogant and selfish, that it will almost makes you think like, 'can he even play? 'does he know how to play Dota as a team?' or any other things that maybe, will make you a little bit upset, am I right?

What makes Alchemist players so arrogant?

Well, for one thing, they think they are better than everyone else because they have more gold. They like to show off their wealth by buying expensive items like Radiance, Assault Cuirass, and Heart of Tarrasque. They also like to taunt their enemies by dropping items on the ground or tipping them after killing them. They think they are invincible and can do whatever they want.

But they are not invincible. They are not even that good. They are just greedy. They spend so much time farming that they forget about their team. They don't help in fights, they don't push towers, they don't defend their base. They just farm and farm and farm until the game is over. And then they blame their team for losing. Well, at least that what you will find in a low bracket ranked match.

Isn't it too harsh? Well, I really don't think so, because no matter what, Alchemist is Alchemist, he is one of the deadliest hero in Dota 2. Let's take another look for it before we dive in even more.

Fun, Mighty, yet so Annoying.

Alchemist is a versatile hero that can play as a carry, a support, or even a mid-laner. He has a unique ability to farm faster than any other hero in the game, thanks to his Greevil's Greed passive. This skill gives him bonus gold and stacks for every enemy he kills, making him rich in no time. He can also use his Chemical Rage ultimate to transform into a hulking beast that regenerates health and mana rapidly, while boosting his attack speed and movement speed.

Actually, Alchemist is not just a greedy farmer. He can also be a team player, thanks to his other two skills: Acid Spray and Unstable Concoction. Acid Spray creates a pool of corrosive acid that damages and reduces the armor of enemies in the area, making them easier to kill. Unstable Concoction is a powerful stun that Alchemist can charge up and throw at an enemy, but be careful not to hold it for too long, or it will explode in your face!

Apart from all of his might, based on my experience playing Dota 2, I figure that, Alchemist players are the worst kind of players in Dota 2. They are selfish, arrogant, and annoying. They don't play the game for fun, they play it for gold. They don't care about their team, they only care about themselves. They don't deserve to win, they deserve to lose. At least that is what I have in mind everytime I meet an Alchemist player like that.

So the next time you see an Alchemist player in your game, don't be afraid. Don't be intimidated by their gold or their items. Just remember that they are weak and pathetic. And then kill them. Kill them over and over again until they rage quit or cry. And then enjoy the sweet taste of victory.

In the end, let's put aside all the hates and rages about it and see the bright truth about it. Alchemist is a fun and rewarding hero to play, as you can experiment with different item builds and strategies. You can go for the classic Radiance-Manta-Octarine build, which makes you a split-pushing nightmare that can burn down towers and enemies with ease. You can also go for the more aggressive Blink-Basher-AC build, which lets you jump on enemies and bash them to death with your high attack speed. Or you can even go for the supportive Aghanim's Scepter build, which allows you to give your teammates free Aghanim's upgrades with your Alchemist's Blessing ability.

Whatever you choose, Alchemist is a hero that will make you feel like a mad scientist in Dota 2. Of course, he's still the most annoying hero in Dota 2, well, at least for me.

I think that line takes us to the end of this post. Let's meet again here soon to dive you into the deeper world of Dota 2 with another heroes that we will cover next. And if you find something's missing or have a better suggestion, let me know in the comment below and feel free to ask me about what Dota 2 heroes that I should cover next. Also, if you'd like to, feel free to jump in the comment section below to discuss about everything Alchemist and what you think of. I'll get back to you soon.

So, grab your lab coat and goggles, and get ready to brew some chaos, have fun playing Alchemist, or avoid him before you stressed out. Stay tuned, Noobers!


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